Mark Strüb has happily called Austin home for 10 whole years. While that doesn’t make him a native, he feels it gives him sufficient rights to the popular Austinite catch-phrase “I remember when…” In addition to talking about the unpaved used car lot that gave way to Whole Foods' World Headquarters, he enjoys Alamo Drafthouse, dining outdoors, shopping and traveling. But nothing brings Mark greater joy than spending quality time with his 5 year old son, Jack, at their home in Hyde Park. Mark has a B.S. in Radio-TV-Film from UT and makes his living helping people buy and sell homes.


December 29, 2010

Tony DeLisi, Director of Research for the Austin Chamber of Commerce provides a wealth of information pulled from the 5 year US Census surveys. These reports are NOT based on the recent census conducted every 10 years but rather a summary of the American Community Survey done annually. By incorporating the data over the last five years, Tony provides an accurate and up-to-date profile of the Austin Region.

The article below notes that:

· Household Income: $57,109 for Austin vs. $48,199 for Texas and $51,425 for the US. 24% of Austin area residents earn above $100,000 a year.

· Education: 39% of Austin residents hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 25% in Texas and 28% nationally

· In-migration of Educated Workers: High income and education levels in the Austin region and attracting new businesses have been drive by the influx of educated workers from across the state, nation, and world

· Mobility Patterns: Mobility patterns show that only an estimated 77% of residents lived in the same house one year previously, with 13% moving locally within their county, 6% moving from within Texas, 3% coming from out of state, and 1% coming from abroad

· Housing Vacancy: The residential real estate market had only an estimated 8% housing vacancy rate over the 5-year period

· Median Home Value: Heat maps are provided showing the median home value and change in median home value since 2000

· Median Rents: Heat maps are also provided showing the same information for Rents

Link to article: http://austinchamber.com/LiveWork/Economic/report.html

December 14, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending December 11

Properties For Sale:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings + 2.01%

New listings – 14.13%.

Pendings + 17.13%

Solds units + 14.12%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Sold average sales prices – 3.19% to $256,508.

In 2009 it was $266,938.

Austin had 10,005 active listings during the same week in 2009.

Today there are 10,206 active listings.

That is + 2.01% from last year.

Home Inspector

Phillips Property Inspections

3502 Eldorado Trail
Austin, TX 78739
(512) 934-8789

Scott Phillips is very knowledgeable. And he takes the time to dish out that knowledge in digestible chunks so as not to overwhelm or terrify the home buyer. I call this bedside manner, and Scott's is superior to many other inspectors I have worked with.

His written reports are intense. In a good way. They are chock full of photographs and he uses his tablet PC to fill in the blanks on site so you get his real time observation of issues versus a foggy memory.

I was originally introduced to Scott a couple of years ago when he brought lunch to a class that I was attending as part of my continuing education as a REALTOR. In exchange for his sandwich payola, the room listened while he did a short commercial for his business. That's how it works.

I related to Scott's approach immediately. Attentiveness, technology, follow-through. I decided right away to add him to my list of preferred vendors.

Since then, Scott has served a dozen or more of my clients and counting. He consistently wins their trust and business not for being the cheapest inspection, but for giving them confidence that they will learn everything they need to know during this HUGE purchase decision.

Bravo, PPI. Keep up the great work!

December 6, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending December 4

Properties for Sale:
Nov. 28 - Dec. 4, 2010
[compared to the same week in 2009]
New listings - 15.54%.
Pendings + 10.78%
Solds + 1.34%

Average Prices:
[compared to the same week in 2009]
Sold average sales prices - 4.77% to $250,928. In 2009 it was $263,488 for the same week.

We had 10,055 active listings during the same week in 2009. Today there is 10,331 active listings! That is 2.74% increase from last year.

December 2, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: NOV 2010

Proerties for Sale: (compared to November 2009)
New listings - 19.77%.
Pendings + 1.97%.

Solds - by 27.05%

Average Prices:

The "New Listings" average list price - .08% to $298,104. In November 2009 the average list price was $298,353.

Sold average sales prices + 4.63% to $244,026. For November 2009 it was $233,225.

November 4, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: OCT 2010

Properties for Sale: (compared to October 2009)
New listings - 16.41%.
Pendings - 22.86%.

Solds - 34.51%

As for Average Prices:

The "New Listings" average list price + 8.64% to $300,898. In October 2009 the average list price was $276,975.

Sold average sales prices + 10.37% to $258,626. For October 2009 it was $234,320.

October 6, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: SEPT 2010

Properties for Sale: (compared to September 2009)
New listings - 12.90%.
Pendings - 26.66%.

Solds - 32.31%

Average Prices:

The "New Listings" average list price is - 6.73% to $281,120. In September 2009 the average list price was $301,416.

Sold average sales prices + 4.29% to $249,017. For September 2009 it was $238,763.

October 4, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending October 2

Properties For Sale:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings + 14.81%

New listings – 19.14%.

Pendings – 31.80%

Solds units – 33.26%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Sold average sales prices + 1.14% to $271,216.

In 2009 it was $268,165.

Austin had 10,746 active listings during the same week in 2009.

Today there are 12,337 active listings!

That is + 14.81% from last year.

September 25, 2010

DIGIHITCH ONLINE AGAIN :: Happy Birthday Morgan!

It has been a long time coming but I'm extremely pleased to announce the return of digihitch! It was great to see that so many of you already noticed the return before this announcement, and have returned to the site to share your stories, and contribute to the community.

As some of you may have heard, digihitch creator Morgan ‘Sal’man Strüb, passed away this last March. Morgan is still today an inspiration to so many, and our goal is that he always live on, in part through the continued existence of digihitch now and forever as the foremost hitchhiking destination on the internet. digihitch will remain as his lasting legacy. He is loved and will be deeply missed by his family, as well as by everyone whose life he touched.

For this reason, Morgan’s family has been diligently working to get the site back up and running. They know what this site meant to Morgan, and what this site means to so many of you. There are currently plans to start a non-profit in Morgans memory for digihitch, to help keep the site running. We are also hard at work on plans for a complete overhaul of the backend of the website. Doing so will not only make digihitch much more technically stable, but will also allow the site to easily grow and evolve over time.

We look forward to bringing you more news and developments very soon. It's so exciting to have the official return of digihitch coincide with his birthday, which is today, the 25th of September.

Thank you for all of your continued support!

All those who wander are not lost.” - TOLKIEN

Morgan ‘Sal’man Strüb has always been a catalyst for uniting people in ways that produce interactions greater than the sum of their parts. Morgan was an early pioneer in the concept of Web 2.0. Via the internet he has gathered families from across the globe to celebrate their common bonds. He has connected travelers to share inspiration and resources. Out of Morgan’s passion for getting off the beaten path to connect with people in unique and unconventional ways, DIGIHITCH.COM was born. The premier hitching site on the web, it has received millions of hits from its many thousands of registered members plus countless other visitors who appreciate it as a hub for hitchhikers and a portal for adventures of all kinds.

Beyond DIGIHITCH.COM, Morgan served many others from all walks of life as an effective and prolific webmaster. It could never be told how many lasting friendships have begun on his pages, or how many lives have been improved as a result of his creations.

He quietly battled neuroblastoma, a rare cancer of the sympathetic nervous system, for years before his diagnosis in June of 2009. Despite the intensity of the fight and the devastating effects of the disease, Morgan never let cancer define him. It was merely another piece of his story. His strength and spirit profoundly inspired all who were there to support him in his fight. CANCERCAW.COM/BLOG

Morgan’s legacy lives on. His devoted family has committed to complete his life’s work and passions- DIGIHITCH.COM and AMERICAN WAYSIDE, Morgan’s personal life story and tremendous memoirs of his years hitchhiking across America.


September 25, 1973 – March 28, 2010

The road will provide.” - ‘SAL’MAN

September 13, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending September 11

Properties For Sale:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings 16.11%

New listings – 9.21%.

Pendings – 22.92%

Solds units – 18.42%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Sold average sales prices + 6.33% to $249,611.

In 2009 it was $234,754.

Austin had 11,108 active listings during the same week in 2009.

Today there are 12,898 active listings!

That is +16.11% from last year.

September 6, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending September 4

Properties For Sale:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings + 16.91%

New listings - 9.24%.

Pendings - 21.63%

Solds units - 26.28%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]

Sold average sales prices +14.50% to $253,646.

In 2009 it was $221,531.

Austin had 11,174 active listings during the same week in 2009.

Today there are 13,063 active listings!

That is + 16.91% from last year.

August 30, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending August 28

Properties For Sale:
[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings + 18.54%

New listings - 16.09%.

Pendings - 28.82%
Solds units - 37.93%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]
Sold average sales prices + 25.07% to $283,462.
In 2009 it was 226,649$.

Austin had 11,378 active listings during the same week in 2009.
Today there are 13,488 active listings!
That is + 18.54% from last year.

August 29, 2010

Since When Have Eggs Grown On Trees?


Category: Breakfast & Brunch

4811 Burnet Rd

Austin, TX 78756

Neighborhood: Rosedale

(512) 453-5062


Everything else is so darn good. And so much more than omelets. The menu is pretty huge, actually.

I like their "it takes a village" sort of service concept. There are no assigned tables so all of the servers cooperate to take care of the customer. Any server you see is your server. So that keeps coffee full and food served fast. A cold omelet is a friend to no one. Am I right or am I right?

Brunch is my favorite meal of the day. Any time of day, really. Pancakes. Eggs. Coffee. Fruit. Potatoes. ...mmmmmmm I know a good brunch spot when I see it. I'll be seeing a lot more of this place.

P.S. They toss some toys on the table when they seat a party with kids. Pretty clever. Not much can keep a kid interested (AKA quiet) like somebody else's toys can.

August 25, 2010

Austin Market Stats :: Week Ending August 21

Properties For Sale:
[compared to the same week in 2009]

Active Listings + 17.47%

New listings - 1.66%.

Pendings - 22.82%
Solds units - 22.26%

Average Prices:

[compared to the same week in 2009]
Sold average sales prices + 2.41% to $275,371.
In 2009 it was $268,883.

Austin had 11490 active listings during the same week in 2009.
Today there are 13,497 active listings!
That is + 17.47% from last year.

August 24, 2010

August 22, 2010

Meet The Teacher Day!

Jackson Hames Strüb | Class of '23

Jack starts school tomorrow. Real school. Big boy school. I am so proud of him. The adjustment from Pre-K to Real K is going to be a big one for both of us, but we are really excited to begin this chapter. He is definitely ready.

Friday was Meet The Teacher Day. I was really happy that we got Mrs. Gonzales. All 3 of the teachers there at Lee Elementary, a Blue Ribbon School, have been there for 20 years so I knew we would get a great teacher regardless. But Mrs. Gonzales reminds me of my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Waldrip, and that's a really good thing.

Now for the waking up part... wish us luck!